Heilpraktiker & Osteopath
member of „German Osteopathic Association“ (VOD)
Osteopathic treatment for adults
The cost for one osteopathic treatment for adults is 110€ (approx. 60 minutes)
! Important !
Payment will be necessary after treatment locally and directly with the practitioner. This is possible by Electronic Cash/ Debit Card only. Please provide for this.
Payment in cash can not be accepted.
An invoice/receipt for the treatment will be provided or sent to you afterwards. You can use this for your insurance-reimbursement or else.
Please check with your insurance ahead if the osteopathic treatment costs are covered.
You can book an appointment directly online or use the phone number below.
If needed, please cancel your appointment not later than 24hrs before treatment, otherwise a fee of 50€ will be charged, since we won’t be able to book any other patients in that time.
Linienstraße 77 - 10119 Berlin
Rosenthaler Platz: U8, M1, M8, 142
Opening hours: Mo-Fr 8:30am - 8pm
Fabian Fleischer: +49 (0)30 200 922 44
Info: +49 (0)30 887 287 86